Wednesday, July 10, 2013


     Welcome to Catz-n-Tam! 

     The picture above is the name of my town in the Facebook game of Township. I named the town Catz-n-Tam because I have cats and my name is Tam (shortened version of my real name of Tammi). Typing a z instead of an s at the end of Cat seemed more creative at the time I came up with the town name. I still like the way it looks, so I'm keeping the z. Another interpretation could be that cats are notorious for sleeping the day away, so the z could symbolize sleeping. As I write this, all three of my cats are sleeping.

Sleeping Gypsy

Moky Asleep on Box
Stormy Sleeping in Cat Tent
     I just realized I don't have enough pictures of Stormy sleeping. I have a lot of pictures of Moky and Gypsy (especially Gypsy) sleeping. Most of my Stormy pics are of her lying down and looking up at me, bewilderingly so. The pic above of Stormy sleeping in the cat tent was taken when she was about six months or so old. I remember that I was amazed at how big her paws were at that time, and I knew that she would be a big cat. Stormy will turn 6 on August 7, 2013, and her last vet visit weighed her in at 12 pounds.

     From oldest to youngest, Moky is 14 years old; Gypsy is 13 years old; and Stormy is nearly 6 years old. If Bella would not have died last November (11-15-12), she would be 2 years old. Bella was my fourth cat. She died of the feline leukemia virus about a month before her 2nd birthday. The picture below was taken with my iPhone (3GS).

     Catz-n-Tam will center around my cats. I've posted some information about my cats in my other blogs, and, recently, I thought maybe I should create a blog just for the cats. When a friend of mine was having problems creating a blog, I had to go through the steps he was going through so that I could pinpoint why he couldn't create a blog. This gave me the perfect opportunity to create a blog about my cats.

     I will do my best to post pics of my cats as they (and I) progress through life. In my next post, I will introduce my three cats and provide more detailed information about them (perhaps, one post per cat?).

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